This tax calculator identifies the estimated school property tax determined by the proposed district's mill rate. These figures are calculated from a projected Mill Rate in 2025 of $8.19 per $1000 home value.
NOTE: This tool is a guide to help estimate your potential school taxes based upon the passing of the school referendum. This does not calculate your actual property taxes, only the school district portion.
To find your current property value, access your county's assessment website Columbia | Dodge.
Directions: Enter the Fair Market Value of your property and click Calculate to see how it may affect your property taxes with a projected 5% increase home assessment year over year.
*The 2024 calculation is an estimate based on the School District assessed Mill Rate of $8.47.
**There may be a difference between your 2024 tax bill and the amount showing on this calculator due to variables between municipalities and tax credits included in your actual tax bill. For demonstration purposes, the calculator will provide as close an estimate as possible at this time.
Estimated annual tax increase for properties evaluated at $0.00.
Projected Home Value
Estimated School Tax
Estimated Tax Change
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We invite all community members to attend our upcoming information sessions and public meetings. These sessions will provide details about the referendum, allow you to ask questions, and offer an opportunity for discussion about the future of our schools.
Radio Appearances:
📻 March 25 – on WBEV Radio (Beaver Dam) at 11:10 AM